Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Pati Torai Malini

Round 2!!:

Got this on the 4th take. Still a few mistakes, but according to me it's much better than yesterday.

Will try again soon - not committing to a date. :P


I swear this is a tough tune to play.

I tried 8 times today.. And only got this.

I see where I need to improve -
- Saaj went off tune .. didn't notice until after I saw recording.
- I need to bow harder on the High notes - it's sounding weird currently
- The playing lacks a certain Lively Bounce
- anything else ? kindly suggest

My brother is also saying he wants to try improving his tabla sound.

We will be back with another take at this!!! :D


vsingh said...

That sounds great Veer!

Sounds adorable! Would appreciate if you could post the notations once you're done; but it seems pretty much done, as it is, at the moment =D

Well done =)

H said...

Singho!!! Hope you are well. That was a lovely piece that you presented.

Was just wondering if you mailed me your address so I can send the dvd's.

Hope all else is good.


Ravi said...

Singh Sahib.

Its noted that some schools add Shudh Gaa, in the avroh of Raag Kaafi to give it a slightly different touch. This may be what you arelooking for.
